Dental practices use various marketing strategies to ensure their names appear at the top of search engine results to reach potential patients. Some dental marketing SEO content strategies include using blogs, videos, and service pages to attract visitors and convert them into dental patients. 

Dental SEO is essential to your dental practice as it allows you to engage with new patients. By staying on top of digital marketing techniques and using professional dental marketing services, dental practices can find new ways to improve their online presence and boost patient numbers. 


Put Your Practice’s Brand into Your Dental SEO Tactics

A strong brand identity communicates your dental practice’s unique selling proposition (USP) to potential patients. A USP is essential to your dental marketing plan since it encompasses your practice’s strengths and distinctive aspects. It also gives potential patients an idea of how you show your strengths through your dental services. 

When you develop your dental practice’s USP, consider these important factors: 

  • Ideal target patients such as children or older adults 
  • What inspired you to enter the dental profession
  • Reasons your current patients continue to visit your practice
  • Type of experience patients can expect at your practice

Identifying your business’ core values can help you communicate that message in the right tone and use suitable keywords. For instance, if you focus on delivering patient satisfaction, use dental marketing SEO keywords like customer service and patient experience. 

All of your practice’s dental marketing efforts, including social media posts, website content, and digital campaigns, should reflect your unique keywords.


Research Local Dental SEO Keywords

Your dental marketing SEO strategy should include local keywords relevant to your dental services and target market. You can use Google’s suggestions for related searches as a starting point for your keyword research.

dental strategies practice brand sydney mediboostWhen researching keywords, find out what phrases people use when searching for dentists in your area and understand the intent behind their search.  

For instance, patients may be looking for teeth whitening and dental veneer services near them. Based on this information, you might want to use dental SEO keywords like “teeth whitening” or “dental veneers” in your marketing efforts.

You can better target these patients using a combination of related short-tail and long-tail keywords. Related keywords such as “teeth whitening services” and “teeth whitening price” can help make your practice more visible online to those looking for dentists who offer these types of services.


Add Keywords to Critical Places on Your Website 

Web pages are composed of HTML elements, including title tags, meta descriptions, and URL slugs. These tags are editable and can include dental SEO keywords to optimise them for search engines. When creating web pages or posts, include keywords in the following: 


Title Tag

Use descriptive titles for each page of your site that include the most relevant keyword phrase. When you include relevant title tags on each page, search engines can quickly identify your dental practice website. 


Meta Description

Create a description for blog posts and webpages that describes the content with a related dental SEO keyword. Long sentences made of keywords in your meta description may not give users a sense of your content, which makes your site less likely to appear in search results.


URL Slug

Add a few dental SEO keywords to the URL slug for posts to show the type of content on the page. Visitors should easily be able to read the URL slug and understand what they’re about to read on your site. 



Make Your Content Effective with the Right Keyword Strategy

Providing regular dental content around your dental marketing SEO keywords can help you address your patients’ questions about their oral health.  The more relevant, compelling and helpful your content is, the more traffic you get to your dental practice website. 

Blogs, infographics, and videos can benefit your dental SEO since search engines rank pages with frequently updated content. The following tips can help you create SEO-friendly content for your dental site:


Focus Your Content Around a Target Keyword

Use target dental SEO keywords to come up with ideas for blog posts. Remember to include related long-tail and short-tail keywords to help them rank in search engines. 


effective marketing dental guide sydney mediboostWrite for Humans

The content on your site should focus on your patients’ concerns. It should address their problems, outline how your dental services solve them and give readers a call to action to book with your dental practice


Use Relatable Language

Your website should have original content that adheres to your brand’s unique voice and tone. Use simple language and avoid complex phrases and jargon unless it’s necessary for medical accuracy. 


Include Keywords Naturally

Create full-length content and add dental SEO keywords naturally instead of forcing them into your sentences. Naturally-incorporated keywords improve the flow of your content and help your readers enjoy and understand media like blog posts, email campaigns, and service pages.  


Build High-Quality Links

Sharing quality content with others is key to increasing your dental marketing SEO rankings and driving traffic to your site. You can start sharing your content on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Participating in dental forums and contacting past clients interested in linking to you can also help you build high-quality links.

Increasing the number of people who share and enjoy your content increases your chance of attracting more potential dental patients.  The more links you get back to your site, the more credibility you gain with Google. As long as you keep providing valuable information to your patients, they will link back to you, helping to boost your website’s authority.


Reach More Patients with Dental Marketing SEO Services

Implementing a robust dental marketing strategy is vital if you want to grow your dental practice and get more patients. Mediboost is a dental marketing agency specialising in helping dental clinics in Australia boost their online presence. 

We focus on dental marketing strategies like SEO-friendly website development and content creation to help you see more online visitors that translate to patients in your practice. 

Contact us on 1300 163 058 today to see how Mediboost’s dental marketing services can increase patient numbers at your dental practice and help you see revenue growth.






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