A website plays a significant role in building brands, increasing awareness, and boosting sales. Around 50% of consumers believe that a website design is crucial for overall brand image

Moreover, research on website design shows that the first impressions for websites are 94% design related. If the website fails to give a satisfactory and attractive user experience, the viewers will leave the website before proceeding to your desired action. 

If you are a dentist or a dental service provider company, you must have a website to promote your business and secure better leads. This initial step to creating your digital presence opens new gateways to other online marketing mediums like PPC and SEO. 

But first, you should clearly understand what good web design is. 


What is Considered a Good Website Design?

The purpose of website design is to direct the viewer to a specific action. The goal can be anything that can prompt users to make a purchase or provide information. An expertly designed website involves multiple factors like simplicity and user interface while engaging with visitors. Following are the elements that are essential for an effective website design. 


Serves The Purpose Well 

Every website is built on a particular purpose; the overall concept and structure should deliver brand meaning to the visitors at first sight. The common goal of the website is to show your expertise; if you are a dentist, your website should portray a clear picture of your dental services. Moreover, it should be able to build a reputation for your brand and generate leads for your business. 


website design importance sydney mediboostSimple Yet Effective 

Businesses often make websites more complex while trying to make them attractive. Overcomplicated websites are also a reason for viewers bouncing from the website. The best way is to keep the web design simple. 

Use a decent theme and carefully select a combination of colours, texts, and attractive graphics that’s on-brand and appeals to your target audience. A study revealed that 40% of viewers prefer to see graphic content (images/photos) on a website to know about the product or services. 


Easy Navigation 

Website navigation is pivotal in designing a good website. It helps the visitors browse the website and leads them to their goals. It is similar to how we use satellite navigation to reach a destination. 

Your web design strategy should also focus on navigation, an essential element in the user interface. Efficient navigation can also keep the bounce rates low for businesses and help to retain visitors. 

If you are creating a dental website, remember to keep the website navigation simple and effective. People visiting your website should know on which page to go for scheduling an appointment or reading an informative blog. 


Effective Content 

Content is an integral part of a website and web design; it is also an essential element in search engine optimization for ranking your website in SERPs. The website content can be of many types, and they all should be readable, informative, and persuasive. 

We don’t want to use content that is hard to read and has fluff; otherwise, the visitor will skip the content and probably leave the site. If you plan to add blogs and articles to your dental site, add high-quality content that is easily readable, provides value to the reader, and has a CTA. 

This study also validates the importance of content in websites: 37% of websites that focus on content are more effective in engaging customers. Moreover, when you add SEO-optimized content to your website design, your website has a higher chance of ranking in SERPs. 



Why Does Your Business Need a Good Website Design?

We all know that “first impression is the last” from the very first moment a visitor enters your site, the conversion journey starts. Your web design will play the first part in attracting visitors. A well-structured website design can bring tremendous benefits. 

Your business can also be in dire need of a good website design; the following are the reasons to develop a well-planned web design. 


Enhances Your SEO 

Search Engine Optimization is essential in ranking your website in Google search results. However, the Google algorithm has specific metrics to rank a website. Properly incorporate the above elements in your web design, including SEO-optimized content, images, easy navigation, and others. Then you have a high chance of ranking above your competition. 


Creates Brand Awareness

Create and enhance the brand awareness of your new or existing dental services through your website design. People who view your website should have a better understanding of your services and your brand vision. 


strategies website design sydney mediboost

Builds Customer Loyalty 

For a business, nothing is more important than creating a loyalty and trust relationship with their customer base. You can create a web design that is customer friendly and builds a trusting relationship with your viewers. 


Increases Your Sales

Once you have built a relationship with your visitors with compelling CTAs, lead generation from the website will become much more efficient, resulting in a boost in your sales. Dental clinics can massively benefit from web design to get new patients. 


Are You Looking for Professional Dental Website Design?

If your dental business needs attractive web design but is not sure where to get it, worry no more. Dental marketing professionals Mediboost have years of experience in digitally promoting dental services. From SEO to website design and development, we offer it all. Visit our website today and give us a call at 1300 163 058





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