Ever wonder what it means when someone says, “that’s great for dentist SEO marketing? Do you have trouble seeing results from your existing dental SEO marketing campaign? Are you frustrated that patients don’t know you exist even though you offer exceptional dental treatments? If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, then you’re not alone.

There are more than 18,000 registered dentists in Australia and 56% of Australians visit a dentist at least once a year. Moreover, with increased emphasis on maintaining oral health, many Australians prefer to visit the dentist several times a year to keep their mouth and teeth in the best condition. 

This means that there are many opportunities to expand your dental practice and find loyal clients. But the question arises how? 

In this short but ultimate guide to dental SEO marketing, we’ll dive into the finer details of how. So, sit back, relax and let’s begin.   

Although it sounds obvious, the first thing you’ll need is a dental website. Without it, you can’t implement effective dental SEO marketing strategies to boost reach and increase dental practice awareness. So, if you have somehow limped along without one. Now’s the time to get one.

Let’s assume your dental practice already has a website. it’s worth taking a look at why you need to leverage it for dentist SEO marketing.


Reasons Why Your Dental Practice Needs Dental SEO Marketing

To be a frontrunner, dental practices need strong dental SEO marketing to build trust and loyalty among their prospective audiences. Undeniably, dentistry is competitive, and one needs to spread the word in order to create awareness. Your dental website gives you the opportunity to do just that.  

guide seo dental marketing australia mediboostPeople used to search for a dental practice in the Yellow Pages, and now the same customers use online search engines like Google to search for dentists in their area. 

The trouble is that many people won’t bother to check the second page of Google results. To find what they need. 

Moreover, did you know that 95% of the web traffic goes to the websites appearing on the first page of Google, whereas websites that appear on the second page of Google search results have a CTR of less than 1%?

So, effective dentist SEO marketing is the only way to ensure that your practice is visible on the first page of search results. 

To stay in the market, dentists must use digital platforms as part of their dental marketing strategy to capture potential patients’ attention. This requires standing out from the crowd in the online space, earning the highest possible rank on search engine result pages, and maintaining a highly-responsive website.

It’s also significant to keep in mind that your competitors are already investing in dental SEO marketing. In a nutshell, search engine optimisation leads to greater website traffic, higher creditability, enhanced authority, and more patients visiting your dental practice


Best Dentist SEO Marketing Practices 

The best dental SEO marketing utilises proven and effective methods that have stood the test of time. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel. There’s a reason why these strategies work.  



With this in mind, here’s what you need: 


Update Your On-Site Ranking Factors For Dental Marketing

On-site ranking factors refer to all the information that a search engine’s algorithm takes into consideration to understand more about your dental practice website. That’s right, search engines like Bing, Google, and Yahoo are constantly crawling through every site on the Internet to gather information helping it paint a picture in front of its consumers. 

Certainly, effective dental marketing it’s all about reaching more customers and increasing engagements. But for that, one must create an engaging website capable of attracting visitors, which is possible through on-page SEO. 

Dental marketing with On-page SEO comprises various factors. Here are some of the best yet simple dental marketing practices to take your marketing up a notch:

  • Try to add relevant keywords at the start of your website link and meta titles.
  • Keep an eye on headers and heading tags (H1, H2, etc.)
  • Stay away from keyword stuffing and penalties
  • Link internal pages 
  • Use outbound links sparingly

All of the above practices help your dental practice to rank higher in search engines while creating a user-friendly experience – ultimately converting into new patients. 


Off-Site Ranking Factors For Dental Marketing

In addition to on-site SEO marketing, we shouldn’t forget the importance of Off-site SEO. Off-site SEO looks at websites from a customer’s perspective. There are numerous activities that you do outside of your website that have the power to raise your ranking. 

Dental professionals’ biggest off-site SEO ranking factor is the number of online places or websites that link or talk about your dental practice. 

Some of the best dental marketing elements that can improve your rankings are as follows: essential ways dental seo australia mediboost

  • The popularity of your website or link
  • How did you earn the link (self-created, natural, or manual)
  • Relatedness of link with the site’s topic
  • Number of links
  • Trustworthiness and authority of the linking site
  • When was the link published 


Dentist SEO Marketing Solutions For The Changing Field

Undeniably, dental marketing is a topic that, if done correctly, translates into new patients, higher rankings, and a better reputation. And with more and more Australians searching for the best dentist near their area, you should definitely be looking to optimise your digital marketing channels. 

Dental practices that partner with Mediboost have every reason to smile. Our experienced team has years of specialised knowledge in SEO marketing for dentists and is highly experienced in the latest proven medical marketing techniques. With our unmatched technical execution and savvy strategists – we take your dental marketing to the next level. 

Are you ready to find out how we can help you? Call us today on 1300 163 058 for a consultation.





References – Oral Health And Dental Care In Australia

Reputation 911 – Do People Even Click past the first page of Google? – 95% Of Web Traffic Goes To Page 1 – Study

Search Engine – 25% of people Click the First Google Search Result