Understanding how your dental website ranks in Google’s search results informs your SEO strategy and helps you to develop a plan to improve it. Because the algorithms that rank website pages undergo constant changes, it’s best to consider professional SEO services so you can outperform your competitors. This article will explore the question ‘how does my website rank’ and give you best practice tips on how to boost your ranking.


How Does My Website Rank In Search Results?

To understand how your dental website performs in search results, you need to use a Google Rank Checker tool or check your pages manually in Google search. If you opt to check your pages individually, it’s important that you sign out of your account, search from the same location as your target audience and use a private session, so your results aren’t influenced by your browsing history.

boost rankings dental practice sydney mediboostYour site’s ranking is an indicator of how strong its SEO is. The results you obtain will give you an indication of your website’s search engine performance and give you insights into building an SEO strategy.

Remember: Google is just like any other business owner. It wants to give its customers (who also happen to be your potential patients) a positive user experience online. So it will give preference to the partners that can help it achieve that.

Aligning your SEO strategy with Google’s algorithm will benefit your online visibility and help you appear higher up in search results.


How To Use SEO Strategy To Improve Your Site Rank

Because markets are so competitive, search engine optimisation can be a full-time job. There are more than 200 factors that Google uses to rank a dental website’s pages. Each time a competitor enters the market or makes changes to their strategy, it impacts everyone else targeting those keywords.

Investing in your digital marketing and hiring a professional SEO agency will ensure you stay on top of


Publishing regular, authoritative content

There is no way around publishing high-quality content on a regular basis. And when you’re running a dental practice, your priority is consulting with patients. You may have much to offer in terms of subject matter expertise, and you may know your patients’ needs and motives really well, but there’s an art to effective web copy creation that gets results.



Publishing unique content

Having a unique voice in a sea of similar businesses is essential. Google wants to give its users an enriching experience, so the challenge is to find ways to differentiate your dental practice brand from all the others out there. It’s not enough to provide superficial information either: delving deeper into content topics can improve your site rank.


Targeting the relevant keywords

Using professional SEO services gives you a way to understand what patients are searching for when they turn to Google for help. Keywords may be phrased as questions, or they may have a different intent to the dental services you want to publish. Keywords also change regularly, so if you don’t review your keyword list, you won’t be able to stay ahead of your competitors.

Once you have identified the relevant keywords, you need to use them correctly. Gone are the days of the one-page website that could just list keywords and attract patients. You need a separate website page to rank each keyword. And that’s a fair amount of copywriting.

You also need to make sure you place the keywords correctly. You need to consider factors like

These are all technical factors that need to be based on data, and using a digital marketing agency for SEO services will ensure you’re using the right metrics.

To go back to the original statement, it’s not enough to write some content once and then scale back. Google wants to know that you update your site regularly and that there’s a reason for it to send users to your dental website all the time in order for your site to appear in search results. Your SEO strategy needs to make provision for regular, authoritative content updates.


dental website ranking tips sydney mediboostConsider links

Internal and external links both benefit your dental practice’s visibility in search results. By placing internal links in your content, you make the site easier to crawl.

When you have external links to other high-quality sites, you basically indicate that your website has good internet relationships with others. These signals make your website look good by association. But they can’t just be any old links either; they need to add value to the user experience.


How Does My Website Rank: What Not To Do

There are also some things to avoid if you want your dental website to rank well in search results:


Don’t have a slow site

Google recognises that today’s patients don’t have time to wait for slow websites. They expect snappy service, so if your website takes forever, those patients are likely to go somewhere else.


Don’t have a high bounce rate

Your bounce rate is the percentage of patients who click on a page and then click the back button or abandon the search. If your bounce rate is high, it could be an indication that your dental website SEO and the user’s intent were not aligned, and it will affect your appearance in search results adversely.

Because the payoff of getting it right and ensuring it’s done consistently is so big, it’s worth investing in professional SEO services to keep your practice website front and centre in Google’s SERPs. Please contact us for help with understanding ‘how does my website rank’ and improving your performance: 1300 163 058





Five Ways to Improve your Site’s Ranking (SEO)

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